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Tuesday, October 23, 2007 Y 9:57 PM

Hello!! Read the following below and update the choir about it maybe through the choir blog. yap. The performances that are sung by me is the one on the 21st-23rd December and on the 26th January. As for the 6th December, the conductor is my teacher so just to let you people know about it. Okay. Please try to take all orders in by next Tuesday because the tickets are nearly sold out. For school bookings, please call 6336 8949. Details as followed. Thanks. Ronnica.

Saturday, 6th December 2007A Ceremony of CarolsWong Lai Foon, conductorYu-Hsin Huang, harpistThe Philharmonic Chamber ChoirSingapore Bible College Chorale The Philharmonic Chamber Choir, together with the Singapore Bible College Singers, presents its annual Christmas concert. The late medieval texts of Britten's A Ceremony of Carols set the stage for explorations of Christ as the light, in Whitacre's Lux Aurumque and the Lauridsen's O Nata Lux, and Christ as a blossoming rose, in Rutters's There is a Flower and Praetorius' Lo, How a Rose E'er blooming. The image of a white Christmas, with a tree taking centrestage in the cosy indoors, is evoked by Danish composer Bo Holten's setting of the Iceland text First Snow and Rutter's arrangement of O Tannenbaum. Tickets at $20, $24, $28. Concessions apply.Concert at the Victoria Concert Hall

Friday , Saturday, Sunday, 21st, 22nd ,23rd December 2007Christmas ConcertLim Yau, conductorSingapore Symphony ChorusSingapore Symphony Children’s Choir Cut down to Christmas with Singapore’s landmark Christmas concert, featuring your favorite Yuletide melodies and carols performed by he Singapore Symphony Orchestra, the Singapore Symphony Chorus and the Singapore Symphony Children’s Choir under the baton of Lim Yau. If you’ve always wanted to sing with the SSO, his is your chance! Join the traditional carol singalong with fellow audience members through an uplifting selection of timeless yuletide classics.Tickets at $16, $26, $36, $50, $60. (the cheapest ticket on the 21st of Dec is sold out)Concessions apply.Concert at the Victoria Concert Hall

Saturday, 26st December 2007Mahler’s Third : What the angels tell meLan Shui, conductorNancy Maultsby, mezzo-sopranoLadies of the Singapore Symphony ChorusSingapore Bible College Chorale and Hallelujah ChorusSingapore Symphony Children’s Choir Mahler – Symphony No. 3 in D minor“You couldn’t imagine how this will sound”, so said Mahler of his third, a glorious symphonic opus scored for mezzo-soprano , chorus and orchestra. Indeed, this one of Mahler’s most unjustifiably neglected symphonies in the first work into which he incorporated his whole universe: each movement represents an element in the universe- plants, animals, man, angels- culminating in a concluding celebration of divine love in the final movement. The unique vocal timbre of mezzo- soprano Nancy Maultsby will be complemented with the Singapore Symphony Children’s Choir in the 5th movement which is based on a poem from a folk collection, Das Knaben Wunderhorn.
Tickets at $14, $19, $27, $32. Concessions apply.
Concert at the Esplanade Concert Hall

Monday, October 22, 2007 Y 4:53 PM

With regards to the colour/font, that was ages ago when the blogskin was not changed so you can't put the fault on me.

There is an upcoming graduation day performance. Those who are interested pls come to the greenlodge at 1.15pm sharp for practise tommorrow and there is another practise on wednesday right after school. On friday(year-end mass),you have to sing the hymns.Pls have an heavy recess before coming for practise!!!

There is choir practise tomm too at 2pm sharp!Mrs lim will be there.We are having choir pract to prepare for the bird park performance on 24th DECEMBER 2007. Therefore,it is compulsory for all members to come!Those who are not coming, make sure you have a valid reason!!!

If you'll are curious to know when are the practises during the school holiday,it will be held on mondays(sectionals) and tuesdays(combined) from 9-12pm.


Saturday, October 06, 2007 Y 8:51 PM

please leave you name when you tagg. its just a simple act. why leave yourself as a stranger. have the courage to tag then PLEASE have the same kind of courage to LEAVE YOUR NAME! its only basic manners.

TAG On the board to get your BLOG's LINKED!(:

Y 8:42 PM

Okay, I've redone the blogskin. It's not so bright now ,is it? PLEASE DON'T SAY THAT IT'S TOO DARK! I don't particularly like it though, the image has some problems which I unfortunately can't solve tonight (a little sleepy and lazy :P) However, I'll get a photoshop pro to err... improve it later on. Yes, I realised that there's some major things which needs to be improved but for now, please don't complain about it. I know that it looks a bit dark and depressing (and cheesy) and I also know that it's ugly but yeah. Just don't whine :)

Wednesday, October 03, 2007 Y 12:56 AM

choir practice will resume on 16th october(tues)!